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This site is dedicated to researching and trying its best to prove the ancient astronaut theory, as well as finding new theories. Submit new theories or findings to my hot-mail.
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In Bolivia, South America, there is an archaeological site called "Tiwanaku" or "Tiahuanaco". This site is estimated to be around 17,000 years old! The stone cutting technology here is far beyond than what was possible of that time.
Chariots of the Gods? Did Aliens visit Earth in the remote past? Are modern UFO reports old news? Were we already visited in Ancient Times? Is there evidence of Alien Technology? Do the Holy Scriptures refer to Alien visitors? The short answer is yes! Read on...
The A.A.R. is a site for those who have an insatiable curiosity about our cosmic past and an intense desire to understand the world's many mysteries, whether by exploration in the field or by hunting down clues in the archives. So, if it’s answers you seek, unsolved mysteries you want and adventure you crave, you have come to the right place!
The A.A.R. is determined to prove whether or not Extraterrestrials visited Earth in the remote past. In his ground breaking book Chariots of the Gods, Erich Von Däniken brought forth a revolutionary theory: Extraterrestrials visited Earth thousands of years ago. They left clues behind in the form of mysterious, enigmatic monuments, curious artifacts, misunderstood technologies, and especially stunning descriptions of flying machines and other curiosities in ancient texts, holy scriptures and tales of mythology. What really happened in the past...?
To find out, read Legendary Times, the only publication in the world to exclusively report about the Ancient Astronaut theory! Our articles are written by the best and most authoritative researchers in the field such as EvD and David H. Childress just to name a few. In exclusive articles, this dynamic Quarterly will bring the unsolved ‘Mysteries of the World’ closer to you. Embark on a worldwide voyage of discovery, and explore the secrets of the past. Vivid tales of great adventure take you back to the time before history, and offer you, the explorer, research that you were always looking for but were unable to find. One thing is the hieroglyphs of the great pyramid. In one of the great pyramids, there is a fantastic engraving; you see a man, holding a bulb. The bulb is hooked to some sort of box; linked by a cord or string. All in all, this looks very familiar, does it not? Yes! It looks like a light bulb hooked into a power box. In ancient Egypt, they say the snake represents energy/light, so forth. If you look towards the top-lower portion of the bulb, you see a strange reactor; maybe that is what's producing the light.
Hathor's temple at Dendera contains an extremely controversial relief, known as the Dendera Light, which may be a depiction of an electric light bulb.
Proponents of ancient astronaut theories often maintain that humans are either descendants or creations of beings who landed on Earth thousands of years ago. An associated idea is that much of human knowledge, religion, and culture came from extraterrestrial visitors in ancient times, in that ancient astronauts acted as a “mother culture”. Other proposals include the idea that civilization may have evolved on Earth twice, and that the visitation of ancient astronauts may reflect the return of descendants of ancient humans whose population was separated from earthbound humans. These ideas are generally discounted if not ridiculed by the academic and skeptical communities. Proponents argue that the evidence for ancient astronauts comes from supposed gaps in historical and archaeological records, and they also maintain that absent or incomplete explanations of historical or archaeological data point to the existence of ancient astronauts. The evidence is said to include archaeological artifacts that they argue are anachronistic or beyond the presumed technical capabilities of the historical cultures with which they are associated (sometimes referred to as "Out-of-place artifacts"); and artwork and legends which are interpreted as depicting extraterrestrial contact or technologies.
Dendera Theory
Details of A.A.T.R
In Abydos there is a strange relief which provokes a lot of discussion: some people believe that this relief shows a helicopter, a tank and a submarine.
Erich von Däniken inside the Queens Chamber of the Great Pyramid showing the beginning of the "Gantenbrink shaft". The german engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink discovered, in 1993 with his Robot UPUAUT after more than 60 meters inside this shaft, a polished door. Erich von Däniken predicted on the, "Daily Grail's Gantenbrink Petition", what will be behind this door. He wrote: "Behind the door there is a small shaft, and then a wall. Break the wall!" - The 2001 discovery according to the words of Dr. Zahi Hawass, "We can see another sealed door, it looks to me like it is sealing something. It seems that something important is hidden there. This is one of the first major discoveries in the Great Pyramid in some 130 years, and now what we need is time for further analysis."
Erich Von Daniken at the Great Pyramid
Part of the Akapana Wall in Tiahuanaco (Tiwanacu)
According to legend, this is the Burning Bush, where Moses first received instructions directly from God, to lead his people out of Egypt to the Holy Land, more than 4000 years ago. The bush still exists, and all efforts to plant layers of this bush somewhere else have failed. What did Moses actually see?